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More than 500,000 nonprofit professionals and volunteers use NonprofitReady to level up their skills for free.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is NonprofitReady free?Yes, NonprofitReady is 100% free. We support nonprofit professionals and organizations by providing access to free sector-specific learning so that they have the knowledge and resources to make transformative impact in their own communities.
Who can use NonprofitReady?Anyone. There is no limit to the number of people who can sign up. And no limit to the number of courses each person can complete.
Can I recommend specific courses?Yes. Have your team members create an individual account in NonprofitReady. Provide the titles of the courses or certificate programs you want them to complete. Once they log in, they can use the search bar to find your recommended courses and begin their training.
How can I validate that training has been completed?Your employees, volunteers, and board members can follow these simple steps to share their certificates of completion with you or your HR team.
Any other questions?
Want to learn more about our free training for nonprofit employees, board members, and volunteers? Email us at
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